maanantai 11. huhtikuuta 2016

Teddy bears

Polar bear
I made a polar bear in textiles. I chose the fabric because it looked very nice and it was soft and it looked very wintery. It took one and a half months to do the polar bear because I concentrated and didn't rush it. The beginning was easy because I had to trace the pattern and cut them. Then put them together and stuff them. But then at the end where I had to add the ears, nose, eyes and put everything together was a bit tricky. Because the ears needed to be in a good place otherwise it would've looked weird.

The nose at the end was hard because it needed to be tight and when sewing the thread had to be extremely close to the end of the fabric of the nose. When I put all the body parts together, I think I put them too tight so it made the bear look very thin. The head at the end was very flat. But I think the polar bear now looks cute and I like how I made it :)

Millie 8B

Karla 8B

Tie dye pillow cases - Solmuvärjätyt tyynynpäälliset

5.luokkalaiset ovat tekstiilijakson aikana kokeilleet 
erilaisia kankaan värjäys- ja kuviontitapoja. 
Solmuvärjäystekniikoin tehdystä kankasta tehtiin 
vetoketjullinen ja tereellinen tyynynpäällinen.

During the textile lessons 5th graders have been
 practicing how to paint and dye fabric. 
Tie dyed fabrics were used to make 
pillow cases with piping and zipper.