torstai 21. marraskuuta 2013


With 4th graders the sewing work has been an apron. They designed the decorations, colors and the measurements. Here some pics of those unique aprons.
Doing aprons was loads of fun but you have to know what to do. It was hard at moments but it was a joy. The end it was such a relief after all the hard work.<3

Written by Promise, Emma, Amelia and Madeline 4B

My first experience making an apron for my dad
was great! I think it went well!

It was really fun and hard as well doing the apron
.But the end results were good. I like everything about it. And it shows my personality.

I had so much fun making this apron. I learned so many newthings.
I think it looks really nice. I did have a small accident but not so seriouse.

It was really fun making the apron!
I thought it went pretty well!!!!! :)

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